Technical Issues

Hey! Your PDF isn't displaying properly.
Dang it! We test all download links among multiple users on different machines to make sure they work. But sometimes....stuff still happens. Before we b...
Tue, 1 Feb, 2022 at 5:01 PM
Receiving 404 Error or Page Not Working
If you get a “404” error message or can’t access the page it’s possible a lot of people are trying to access the site at the same time, especially if you ju...
Tue, 1 Feb, 2022 at 5:01 PM
Profile Picture - How Do I Set it Up?
Photos are handled in Gravatar: If you don't already have an account there, set one up. Or log in, and make sure your photo (g...
Tue, 1 Feb, 2022 at 5:01 PM
Receiving Duplicate Emails (or Marketing Email after Already Purchased)
If you are continuing to receive marketing emails after making a purchase or receiving duplicate marketing emails it is most likely because we have two emai...
Tue, 1 Feb, 2022 at 5:01 PM