CMC FAQ/Comparison

How does the Content Marketing Certification Course compare to Freedom Machine?
  Our courses are each designed to fulfill a different purpose. The one constant you will find across all our courses is our approach to teaching writing. ...
Tue, 1 Feb, 2022 at 5:06 PM
How does the Content Marketing Certification program compare to Become a Writing Machine?
Become a Writing Machine is a "mini-course," which means it is one very long web page, equivalent to about a 25-30 page e-book. It's about lea...
Tue, 1 Feb, 2022 at 5:06 PM
About the Content Marketing Certification Course
The focus of the Content Marketing Certification Course is to help new and experienced writers develop the knowledge and skills to begin immediately writing...
Tue, 1 Feb, 2022 at 5:07 PM
Are other types of content marketing covered, like case studies and web pages?
No. This course focuses on writing blog posts using proven content frameworks and SEO optimization techniques.
Tue, 1 Feb, 2022 at 5:09 PM
How long will it take to make back my investment in this course?
If you study the concepts, learn to research, and are a reasonably competent writer, you should be able to complete the coursework, take the exam and write ...
Tue, 1 Feb, 2022 at 5:09 PM
How much does the Content Marketing Certification Course cost?
You can make a single payment of $999 or 6 payments of $199.    Order form:
Tue, 1 Feb, 2022 at 5:09 PM
How much time will I have to spend on the course every week?
Expect to spend at least 10 hours per week, likely more. It depends on how skilled you are at online research and how fast you write. Expect your first port...
Tue, 1 Feb, 2022 at 5:09 PM
What if I get in the course and it’s not what I need? What if I don’t get paid writing work?
We’ve got you covered with two guarantees:    1) If you join the course and it’s not what you need or want, you have 14 days to ask for a refund for any r...
Tue, 1 Feb, 2022 at 5:12 PM
Are other types of content marketing covered, like case studies and web pages?
No. This course focuses on writing blog posts using proven content frameworks and SEO optimization techniques.
Tue, 1 Feb, 2022 at 5:12 PM
How does the course help me find clients and writing work?
How does the course help me find clients and writing work? To graduate from the program you will have to pass a rigorous certification exam and write a 3,0...
Tue, 1 Feb, 2022 at 5:12 PM